

Looking to find opportunities with ecological, regenerative and organic growers and businesses across New Zealand?

Check out the posts below and contact the lister directly.

Got a great job, intern, or volunteer opportunity? Submit the opportunity to us, and we’ll post it on our website and social media channels to help spread the word. Make sure to include images in your listing. Please fill out the form or email us your job listing with a picture.


For job seekers: Please screen your potential employer to ensure that you are entering into a fair exchange that meets your needs and expectations. Try asking for references of past workers, or ask people in the community if you are unsure.

For those offering jobs: Job listings are $20 per listing, or free if you are a Business Member as part of membership. By posting with us, the expectation is that you are offering a fair and equitable opportunity, that complies with labour regulations. Job listings will remain up for two months unless we are otherwise notified. If you have ongoing opportunities, please let us know and they can stay up for longer.

Please note that Village Agrarians does not have the capacity to pre-screen job opportunities.
